Happy May! So I haven't written a blog post in a while, its been a bit busy around here. Well, I guess you can say I have been consumed by current events. Everyone by now knows about the bombings at the Boston Marathon. What a very sad and tragic event that is very close to my heart. I am a runner and not only have I run the Boston Marathon before, but I know what its like to be down there - an atmosphere like no other. Amazing energy, inspiration and just love from the city. It was one of the first years I haven't been down there in many, typically I would be standing in front of Marathon Sports. Luckily, I wasn't down there this year and my friends whom I normally go with were safe. I am a member of a running club - The Shamrock Running Club, based out of Woburn, MA. Every year, we rent a bus to bring all of the marathon runners into Hopkinton. So my morning started off immediately logging onto the marathon site and setting up my "tracking" for all my friends. I listened and kept glancing at the elite runners on the streaming video on the site. What a beautiful morning it was. Perfect weather, perfect conditions. Trading texts with a friend down there at the marathon, giving some updates on who they have seen ect. Now, leaving mile 17 - they head towards the finish line. In a matter of about 20 min, I learned that tragedy struck at the finish line. Not knowing where my friends were, everyone I was tracking came to a halt, and more then half of them were past the 40K check point (which is almost to the 25 mile mark). My heart is in my throat and I am panicking. Watching streaming video (which was very gruesome and heart wrenching before they went off air due to the graphic nature) Trying to process what was going on, all I could do was text. and wait. Thankfully, my spectator friends were still on the T when the bombs went off. We had runners who has just crossed the finish line, and runners who were VERY close and were stopped. No one really knew what was happening, my friends were getting off the T with lots going on and a few frantic texts from me. Luckily the texts went through so they knew a tid bit on what was happening. This is a day I or anyone close to the situation will ever forget. I am so thankful that my friends hadn't made it to the finish line. The marathon will never be the same. Question is, will this make it a better and even stronger race? Each year Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, Sean Collier and the 280+ people who's lives are forever changed will be remembered. BOSTON STRONG.
Sorry for the sad post, but here is a yummy breakfast that will make your day happier! I realize my last few posts were breakfast - so I will work on some lunch/dinner ideas next!
Sorry for the sad post, but here is a yummy breakfast that will make your day happier! I realize my last few posts were breakfast - so I will work on some lunch/dinner ideas next!
Butternut Porridge and Maple Sausage Meatballs

Maple Sausage Meatballs (this is from PaleoOMG)
- 1 Butternut squash cut in half and de-seeded
- 1/2 Can of coconut milk
- Some melted coconut oil
- Cinnamon
- Turn the oven on 350
- In a glass dish, lay the halved butternut squash face up, coat the squash generously with the coconut oil. Bake until soft - this will take around 45 minutes
- Once its done - remove and scoop into a mixing bowl. Be careful, it will be HOT!
- After thats scooped in add a half a can or so of the coconut milk. I scooped the solidified stuff in and used a little of the water. Use a hand mixer or blender to mix well!
- Add as much cinnamon as you like and enjoy!
Maple Sausage Meatballs (this is from PaleoOMG)
- 1lb breakfast sausage (no sugar added)
- 1 sweet potato
- 4oz button mushrooms (I used half a container of sliced button mushrooms)
- ½ yellow onion, peeled
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 5-6 slices of bacon
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- salt and pepper, to taste
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Place your bacon slices in a pan over medium heat. Cook on both sides until crispy, place on a paper towel to soak up the excess fat and cool, then dice up into small pieces that would fit well in meatballs.
- Place your sweet potato in a food processor with the shredding attachment. Shred your sweet potato, remove contents, then shred it once more. You want it pretty fine.
- Then shred your onion and mushrooms in the same container with the sweet potato that was shredded twice.
- Add your sweet potato, mushrooms, and yellow onion to a bowl along with your breakfast sausage, maple syrup, garlic clove, diced bacon, and salt and pepper and mix well. Your hands are your best tools.
- Place parchment paper on a baking sheet then start making your meatballs.
- What is helpful is using an ice cream scoop so they are all the same size. Roll the scooped out balls in your hands and place on a baking sheet. Repeat until all your ingredients are gone.
- Bake for 30-35 minutes until meatballs are golden brown and completely cooked through. Be sure to check one before you turn the oven off!